Surgery Side Effects
Surgery for cancer is one of the most extensive and mutilating surgeries invented for any patient. It basically follows the principles of removal regardless of cost to patient.
Extensive nutilation is the hallmark of nearly all surgeries in Head and neck Cancer.
Does it sort the issue out? Not really
It only helps in stage 1 and 2 That is localised cancer.In all other cases it will lead to opening of tumour and spread locally.
Is there anything that can be done after that ? Not really .The oncosurgeon will refer you for chemotherapy and Radiotherapy .But it will not help in any case(more than 90%).
Side Effects after Tongue Removal in Carcinoma tongue
The artificial tongue does not work.
Constant salivation
Inability to swallow ones saliva
Constant dribbling from corner of mouth
Extensive scarring
Saliva aspiration leads to lung infection(This is unfortunately a progressive condition)
Average life span after this horrible condition is around 1 year (give or take 6 months)
Recurrence occurs in more that 80% of cases within 6 months which is not manageable..
Side effects after Buccal carcinoma surgery
Extensive mutilation
Inability to eat from same side
Freezing of tongue due to surgery(this makes patients speech incomprehensible)
Constant dribbling of saliva from mouth.
Most patients do not leave their home after surgery.
Suicidal Tendencies.
Patient Case Report 1
(Imagine what will happen with stage 4 )
This patient had a full surgery for stage 2 carcinoma tongue.inspite of the full surgery patient developed recurrence.
Patient was not told that the full cancer has not been removed
Patient Case Report 2
(Why cant this happen to your patient because this is routine )
This patient had a full surgery for stage 4 carcinoma cheek.inspite of the full surgery patient developed recurrence.
Patient was told that the full cancer has not been removed after assuring that full cancer will be removed
Patient Case Report 3
(this is extremely common in patients of Oral Cancer Surgery
This patient had a full surgery for stage 2 carcinoma cheek.inspite of the full surgery patient developed recurrence.
He had a recurrence because of field cancer.This will occur in more than 90%of patients.A fact most patients are unaware of
Patient Case Report 4
(He was told the surgery is complete and all cancer is removed)
Patient did his surgery in Good faith from best oncosurgeon in India. Do you think he would have wanted this result
Patient Case Report 5
(He was told the surgery is complete and all cancer is removed)
Patient did his surgery in Good faith from best hospital in Mumbai. Do you think he was aware this would happen to him ?